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Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
$mart Real Estate Investor2   60 Home Buying Tips FREE (win)2   Agent Einstein! Version 2.32
Amortization Table, Lotus1   Automated MLS Access - NEW VER2   BizWiz v3.02
Broker's Tracking System, PC2   BusinessCARDS v3.21 for Windows2   CRISPR Real Estate Accounting2
Debt Analyzer for Windows v2.0a2   Debt Analyzer, V1.212   Easy Renter Version 4.22
Escrow Assistant v1.22   Fairy Godmother, pc2   Fincalc 3.02
FlyerWare for Brokers & Sales2   FREE Home Buyer's Calculator2   Graphics Workshop, 7.0C2
Home Buyers Options V1.0 R32   Home Loan Diary2   Home Loan Diary - prepay loans2
Home Plan v2.7 home drafting pro2   Home Purchase & Rent Analysis2   Homebuying & Refinancing, pc2
House Mouse v2.02   HUD 1996 Budget Book2   Interest Analyzer, V2.292
L'AMORT v1.6 Loan Tool2   Lender's Toolbox, 2.02   Loan Calculator, Windows2
Loan Officer In A Computer2   Loan Ratio Generator2   Loan150, Freeware2
LoanVision for Windows2   Master Amortizer, V 2.52   Mortgage Designer v3.21 Win31_952
Mortgage Designer, V2.22   Mortgage Doctor for Windows2   Mortgage Plus3
Mortgage Shopping on your PC2   NASA Menu -- FREEWARE.pc2   Netsheet 4.0 (Conv,FHA,VA,Cash2
Number Cruncher, pc2   OpenHouse Examples2   OpenHouse Viewer2
P.C. Banker - Loan Wizard2   PKZ 204G2   Professional Real Estate 6.02
Professional Real Estate 6.22   Property Investment Worksheet2   Property Manager, Version 72
QuickLease for Windows2   QuickLease for Windows v1.52   R.E. Investment Analysis Form2
Real Estate Closings for Windows3   Real Estate Compatibles, Windows2   Real-Easy Property Analysis, pc1
REFI Home Refinance v.1.0 (Up2   Rental Manager 5.32   Rental Manager Version 4.2 (DOS)2
Rentals II for Windows (Revised)2   RPM-Rental Property Mngr v1.0b2   Screen Saver_ Map Boston in 17222
Sellers Net Sheet_Closing Costs2   The Home Inspector.pc2   The Mortgage Analyzer V2.02
The Smart Homeowner, V1.0, pc1   V1.07 Amortization Calculator.pc2   V1.10 Forecast Mortgage.pc2
VBRUN100.ZIP (Windows)2   VBRUN200.ZIP, Windows2   VBRUNN300.DLL V8 Runtime Module2
ViSuAL Calendar Planner 4.02   Visual Calendar Planner 4.12   Visual Day Planner 5.0 for WIN952
Wealth Management System v8.322   WEB Translator (Freeware)2   Windows Appraisal Tool2
WinLoan2   WinSketch Floorplan Area Calc2

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
url.txt Text File 1 15b 2014-10-30